The zoom call originally scheduled on 11/25/24 with Alex Naum will be rescheduled due to a scheduling conflict. We apologize for any convenience. Stay tuned!

Not everyone is called to foster/adopt, but everyone can do something to help.

What’s your something? Contact us to start helping foster/kinship/adoptive families.

Find your Community.

Connect with your local foster/kinship/adoptive family representative.

(Numbers listed correspond to geographic region)

Narrative is rewriting the story of children’s lives who are in foster care.

As a Ministry of the Michigan Ministry Network, Narrative is working to increase awareness within MMN churches concerning foster care within the State of Michigan.

We connect with MMN congregations about the need for local congregations to wrap-around foster/kinship/adoptive families, as well as raise up foster parents.

We provide training free of charge to MMN churches to assist them in becoming part of the solution in their community by starting a foster care ministry.

We challenge MMN churches to identify their “something” to meet the needs within their county related to foster, kinship, and adoptive families.

Make an impact today.

Support our mission by contributing a donation.

Meet Rhonda

Rhonda Trask leads the Michigan Ministry Network's foster care initiative, Narrative, and serves as Director of Church Ministries with her husband, Dr. Bradley Trask, Lead Pastor of Brighton Assembly of God. She is the President of Heart’s CRI Michigan Inc, a non-profit aiding children in foster care and at-risk situations. As Chairperson for the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services Community and Faith Advisory Initiative, she promotes partnerships for Michigan's 12,000 foster children. Rhonda received the Beacon of Hope Award in 2018 for her dedication to foster care and was honored in 2021 in the Brighton Area Women’s History Roll of Honor. She holds a BA in Telecommunications from Michigan State University, a Secondary Teaching Certificate from Madonna University, and a Master of Education from Wayne State University. Rhonda and Bradley have two children, Elijah and Elanore, and invite MMN churches to identify their “something” and become involved in rewriting the story of children’s lives.

A ministry of Michigan Ministry Network